tisdag, maj 31, 2011

Do the Right Thing - en handbok från MFK. Nu tillgänglig på nätet / Now available online

Vi har skrivit en handbok som försöker sammanfatta de kunskaper och lärdomar vi gjort genom att driva MFK. Under rubrikerna Start, Organisering och struktur, Ekonomi, Konst, Strategisk separatism, Intersektionalitet, Radikal pedagogik och Utopi har vi formulerat våra egna definitioner, förtydligat med konkreta exempel och erfarenheter och sammanfattat i praktiska tips. Boken kan läsas från pärm till pärm eller genom att välja och vraka.
Vi har skrivit boken med målet att aktivera och sprida kunskap och vi hoppas att så många som möjligt får användning för innehållet. Vi önskar att du vill använda, fundera över och utnyttja handboken för dina egna syften.

För ett kollektivt beroende!

Läs på svenska: http://www.studio-sm.se/MFK_Do-the-right-thing_SWE.pdf

We have written a manual that tries to sum up the knowledge that we have acquired when working with MFK. Under the headings Start, Organization and Structure, Economy, Art, Strategic Separatism, Intersectionality, Radical Pedagogy and Utopia we have formulated our own definitions, clarified with concrete examples and experiences and collected practical tips. The book can be read front to back or by picking and choosing.
We have written this book with the aim to activate and spread knowledge and we hope that as many as possible will find it useful. We wish that you will use, ponder and exploit the manual for your own purposes.

Towards a collective dependency!

Read in english: http://www.studio-sm.se/MFK_Do-the-right-thing_ENG.pdf

Looking for ÖFA

Uppdrag: Att sammankalla ett möte för ÖFA-kollektivet i Konsthall C under utställningsperioden. Kollektivet har använt konsthallen som kommunikationsplattform under perioden, som en mejltråd IRL.

How do you do?

How Do You Do? is a research project inspired by MFK’s manual, Do the Right Thing and performed by the Konsthall C staff. The project began as research on institution transparency and developed into a documentation of experiences within art institutions around Stockholm. Konsthall C created a questionnaire that inquired on the individual impressions of individuals working at various levels within art spaces and proceeded to interview 14+ players within the art scene. Questions touched on experiences of salary division, institutional history, gender balance, time commitment and conceptions of a success project.

måndag, maj 16, 2011


Coming to an end /Opening up for a new cricle
Thank you Malin

måndag, maj 09, 2011

The last activity within the framework of: Insisting to be part of this moment/movement (övertygade om vår storhet)

Saturday May 14, 2-6 pm
Coming to an end / Opening up for a new circle
We invite you to take part in the grand transformation of MFK. Malin Arnell will lead us in a performance and guide our actions through a series of simple activities that aim at bringing us all together and claiming our space in the world. This activity is possible only due to your presence and passion for collective change, as well as the trust built between us and the common will to never give up. We need you to be on time, engaged, present and ready. 4 hours - no more, no less. No skills necessary, anyone can take part. Come help us close the door to the past andopen up for a new circle.

She says: Visibility must be avoided. She says: In the beginning there is an end. She says: I agree that aggression is a part of life and therefore also part of the politics. She says: We simply have to trust each other. She says: Language is not the result of an identity.
She says:

First: Do good (without permission), lie, articulate, making realities, asserting conventions paranoid fiction.

2nd: Respect others, be generous and suspicious, talk to close, (repeat for a given name).

3rd: Spread the word as needed (the more you give, the more you take pleasure), feel disgust

She says: You have no choice. She says: Struggles creates language in which a new order manifests itself. She says: How can I explain to you? She says: All rooms are passages for light. She says: This is a passage.

Göteborgs Queerinstitut - Sjung hemska folk!

Leila Khaled