onsdag, maj 30, 2007

Att ta kontroll över berättelsen

Moa Matsdotter besöker MFK för att visa och prata om deltagande video som ett försök till en annorlunda medieproduktion, där vi själva kan styra över hur vi ska framställas. Filmerna som visas är gjorda av personer och autonoma grupper som lever och verkar i Montevideos utkanter, och berättar en annan historia än traditionella informationskanaler i Sverige och världen i dag.

Lördag 2 juni kl 15

måndag, maj 28, 2007


Cykelmeck med Johanna Lidström. Ta med din cykel till MFK och lär dig saker som att rengöra och smörja, förkorta kedjan, laga punka, byta sadel, höja styret, laga o rensa växlar, fästa reflexer och piffa till. Anmäl dig på: info.mfk@gmail.com
Torsdag 31 maj kl 18.

torsdag, maj 24, 2007

Breaking the lawn!

When? Sunday May 27 may 2 pm.
OBS! Where? Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen OBS!

Dear colleagues,

We are invited by "Den Frie Udstillingsbygning"( www.denfrie.dk) in Copenhagen to give a lecture on organizing from our different perspectives. Instead of doing seperate presentations we decided to get together and make a round table conference on organizing with an open call for you experts out there!
Malmö Fria Kvinnouniversitet & Free Floating Faculty in collaboration with Kirsten Forkert proudly invite you to participate in this roundtable conference on the topic of 'organizing'. We will introduce and discuss ways of organizing and also let our methods speak through participatory handicrafts. While we are producing tools for action we will listen to talks by colleagues invited to enlighten us on how people have organized in the past and how people are organizing elsewhere.

If you have some materials for making banners and signs, like newspapers, paint or cardboard, please bring them. We will also provide materials as well as coffee, fruit and cakes! We hope to finish the conference by moving outside – picnic while breaking the lawn!

We would like to ask all of you to bring a practical tip on how to make organizing easier; maybe it is to never run out of coffee at meetings or structures to make sure that everyone participates. We want to get practical! The tips will be collected for a practical kit for wide distribution.

When? May 27 may 2 pm.
Where? Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Oslo Plads – just across from Østerport Station where the S-trains/trains from Malmö Central station stop.
(Öresundståg from Malmö central 13:02 – Østerport Station 13:49.)

We also want to let you know that if you have kids you are welcome to bring them!

If you have any questions, please let us know
Malmö Fria Kvinnouniversitet : www.mfkuniversitet.blogspot.com , info.mfk@gmail.com
Free Floating Faculty : http://www.freefloatingfaculty.org/, http://www.kristinask.net/Freefloatingfaculty.html
Kirsten Forkert: is an artist, writer and organizer kforkert@gmail.com, www.visibleartactivity.com

fredag, maj 18, 2007

Manlig amning

Feministiska föräldragruppen presenterar stolt Jenny Grönvall och Charlotte Eliasson som kommer och pratar om manlig amning.
22 maj kl. 19
i MFKs lokaler.
Denna kväll är även killar välkomna!

söndag, maj 13, 2007

Fågelskådning i universitetsmiljö

Ylva Westerlund ger en introduktion i fågelskådning med medföljande exkursion i den botaniska parken vid Alnarps Lantbruksuniveritet. Vi börjar på högsta möjliga nivå med särskiljning av trädkrypare och trädgårdsträdkrypare, men se upp för hybrider!

Lördag den 19 maj, vi träffas vid MFK:s lokaler kl 9:30 och är tillbaks ungefär kl 13.
Anmäl dig på: info.mfk@gmail.com

måndag, maj 07, 2007

Culture, Labour and Neoliberalism

2 days of discussion about how neoliberalism affects labour and cultural producers and how we can respond.

Wednesday 9/5:

Kristina Ask
is a visual artist working between theory, practice and activism from a belief that these fields can only perform mimicry as separated, and therefor only can become functional by extending beyond and across fields.(www.kristinask.net) "Biopower is an instrumentalisation toward measures of capitalism of the progressive acts and inventive thinking from below. We need to know how to direct the instrumentalisation, or rather, how to empower collectives in a climate of individualization."
Kirsten Forkert
is an artist, writer and organizer. Her work has dealt with issues such as the commercialization of education and the role of artists in political organizing. She will speak about neoliberal changes to cultural policy, education and labour in her home country of Canada and strategies that artists and activists have used to respond, with the goal of drawing comparisons with the situation in Sweden.
Thursday 10/5:

Tone Olaf Nielsen
is a Copenhagen-based independent curator and member of the curator collective Kuratorisk Aktion. She characterizes her curatorial practice as activist, and her strongly politicized projects explore the possibilities of using the exhibition medium as an activist tool for positive social change. In her talk, Nielsen will discuss the effects of neo-liberal cultural policy from a feminist perspective and sketch out various strategies for upholding a critical practice in the age of neo-liberal globalization.
Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren is a PhD Candidate Political Science at Lund University. She is writing her dissertation on postindustrialism, urban regeneration and place marketing in Malmö. She will speak on the topic of place marketing, urban regeneration and inclusion and exclusion in these processes, with a special focus on the role of culture in place marketing.
Liv Marend has been working actively with labour issues for several years, from a feminist perspective. She is an active member of SAC and Malmö LS, and works as a garde-manger. Marend will speak about how the new government in Sweden has affected unions, and also strategies for organizing in the present political climate.
Emma Reichert (moderator) is a curator, organizer with Signal Galleri and one of the founders of Institutet för konstnärer och konstförmedlare (IKK).

9-10 may, 18.00.